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About Sandbox

Criteria for entering the sandbox

Kostky Fintech Sandboxu

“The applicant must demonstrate that it satisfactorily meets at least 4 of the following criteria.”

Uniqueness and innovativeness of the solution on the Czech market

The product/service being applied for has unique features that differentiate it from competitors and that are also relevant to the target group.

The need for solution testing and support

The usability of the sandbox or related services to bring the product to the relevant market.

Benefits for customers on the Czech and EU market

The solution is relevant to the Czech market and the European market addresses the need of a consumer or corporate customer.

Newly regulated sector / borderline / unclear case

The Applicant’s project addresses a borderline case or is in a newly regulated sector where there is no established practice of interpreting relevant regulation and it is beneficial for the market to have a dialogue about it.

Business model sustainability and potential for growth and international expansion

The solution is innovative enough for the Czech market and is suitable for international expansion.

Potential for financial market development

The applicant has demonstrated that the solution it is developing is applicable in the current and emerging financial services market.

Project readiness and graduation

The project contains all the required information, is sufficiently clear, technically up to scratch, and is based on realistic and documented assumptions.

Other conditions will be specified in the call and application form.